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Treningsgiganten: UGC

Les om hvordan vi bistod Treningsgiganten med UGC reklamevideoer

Creative production

August 15, 2024

Sivert Ridderseth


Denne casen er for deg dersom:

  • Du driver markedsføringen i et selskap som bruker over 100 000kr månedlig

  • Du har et mål om å tjene mer fra annonseringen du kjører

  • Du vurderer UGC, eller kjører det allerede i dag

Hvordan vi gikk fram

Grundig analyse av marked, konkurranse og produkt

Vi startet med å gjennomføre grundige analyser. Dette er det største og viktigste tiltaket før annonseringen starter.

Du ønsker å finne ut hva som motiverer målgruppen til å kjøpe, hva de interesserer seg av, hva de ikke liker, og hva de allerede vet om produktet, kun for å nevne noen få.

Det absolutt viktigste er at du har relaterbare hooks i videoen din. For Treningsgiganten, hvor vi målrettet travle mødre som vil trene mer, landet vi på følgende hooks:

Versjon 1: *Ingen snakking, men fast-paced klipp hvor skaperen går i fortfilm gjennom hele dagen, tydelig travel*

Versjon 2: "Hvordan jeg som en travel familiemor og kontorkvinne gikk fra 3 000 til 10 000 skritt dagen", så inkluderte vi bilder fra Helse-appen med skritt over 10 000 dagen.

Versjon 3: Om du har 25 minutter på slutten av dagen, prøv dette

Versjon 4: Klokken er ni på kvelden og du har ikke rukket å trene enda. Hva gjør du? *Mens hovedpersonen ser på klokken sin og er fortvilt.*

Versjon 5: Hvis du er travel med mye å gjøre vil jeg vise deg hvordan du kan gjøre treningen enklere

Versjon 6: Denne er til deg som ønsker å prioritere trening uten å ofre verdifull tid i hverdagen

Mer enn et tradisjonelt byrå

Curve jobber med selskapene vi jobber med. Det høres kanske enkelt ut, men mange byråer gjør ikke det. Vi er en vekstpartner sammen med partnerne våre. Vi får betalt en andel av det vi skaper av resultater, noe som er et godt insentiv for oss å drive din vekst framover.

Interested in similar results?

Book a discovery meeting to get to know each other a little better and identify your desires and needs.

Reviews on


  • We experienced good and clear communication with Curve throughout the process, and all deadlines were met to the dot. I can safely recommend this company.

    Simen Sundt

    CMO @ Dominos

    We at Propr.no have had the pleasure of collaborating with Curve for the past six months, and we couldn't be more satisfied. The collaboration has been very good, and the quality of everything they deliver is on a completely different level than what we have experienced from similar companies in the past.

    Kjetil Eriksson

    Managing director @ Propr

    I chose Curve because they were a group of young guys [...] who showed that they wanted to do a good job, and I absolutely feel that they have. I can definitely recommend them to other businesses out there.

    Hakeem Teland

    Managing Director @ Padlegleden

    Can recommend Curve. They generate new orders for Beitostølen. They are professional and skilled in creating ads. Good at follow-up and we receive thorough evaluation of the results they create.

    Atle Hovi

    Managing Director @ Beitostølen Resort

    I feel the whole gang at Curve is working really hard for you. They have a killer guarantee that makes them work hard to deliver what they promise. As a result, they have created a sick landing page and Google Ads that convert leads.

    Andreas Svendsen

    Managing director @ Svendsen Science

    Curve helped me with advertising on social media, and I must say I'm satisfied with it. Their main areas were copywriting, positioning, and advertising strategy on the platform.

    Oscar Wiker

    Managing director @ Wiker ...

    What I truly appreciate in our collaboration is Sivert‘s willingness to explore and challenge possibilities together. He is very accessible, customer-oriented, and committed to the success of the projects we drive together. Highly recommended every day of the week!

    Tim Rudi Veiteberg

    General manager @ Tim Rudi

    Prompt with follow-up, good communication and a well delivered result. Were good at communicating what they planned to do and delivered according to the agreement!

    Bjarne Bendixen

    Commercial manager @ Konciv

Reviews on


  • We experienced good and clear communication with Curve throughout the process, and all deadlines were met to the dot. I can safely recommend this company.

    Simen Sundt

    CMO @ Dominos

    We at Propr.no have had the pleasure of collaborating with Curve for the past six months, and we couldn't be more satisfied. The collaboration has been very good, and the quality of everything they deliver is on a completely different level than what we have experienced from similar companies in the past.

    Kjetil Eriksson

    Managing director @ Propr

    I chose Curve because they were a group of young guys [...] who showed that they wanted to do a good job, and I absolutely feel that they have. I can definitely recommend them to other businesses out there.

    Hakeem Teland

    Managing Director @ Padlegleden

    Can recommend Curve. They generate new orders for Beitostølen. They are professional and skilled in creating ads. Good at follow-up and we receive thorough evaluation of the results they create.

    Atle Hovi

    Managing Director @ Beitostølen Resort

    I feel the whole gang at Curve is working really hard for you. They have a killer guarantee that makes them work hard to deliver what they promise. As a result, they have created a sick landing page and Google Ads that convert leads.

    Andreas Svendsen

    Managing director @ Svendsen Science

    Curve helped me with advertising on social media, and I must say I'm satisfied with it. Their main areas were copywriting, positioning, and advertising strategy on the platform.

    Oscar Wiker

    Managing director @ Wiker ...

    What I truly appreciate in our collaboration is Sivert‘s willingness to explore and challenge possibilities together. He is very accessible, customer-oriented, and committed to the success of the projects we drive together. Highly recommended every day of the week!

    Tim Rudi Veiteberg

    General manager @ Tim Rudi

    Prompt with follow-up, good communication and a well delivered result. Were good at communicating what they planned to do and delivered according to the agreement!

    Bjarne Bendixen

    Commercial manager @ Konciv

Reviews on


  • We experienced good and clear communication with Curve throughout the process, and all deadlines were met to the dot. I can safely recommend this company.

    Simen Sundt

    CMO @ Dominos

    We at Propr.no have had the pleasure of collaborating with Curve for the past six months, and we couldn't be more satisfied. The collaboration has been very good, and the quality of everything they deliver is on a completely different level than what we have experienced from similar companies in the past.

    Kjetil Eriksson

    Managing director @ Propr

    I chose Curve because they were a group of young guys [...] who showed that they wanted to do a good job, and I absolutely feel that they have. I can definitely recommend them to other businesses out there.

    Hakeem Teland

    Managing Director @ Padlegleden

    Can recommend Curve. They generate new orders for Beitostølen. They are professional and skilled in creating ads. Good at follow-up and we receive thorough evaluation of the results they create.

    Atle Hovi

    Managing Director @ Beitostølen Resort

    I feel the whole gang at Curve is working really hard for you. They have a killer guarantee that makes them work hard to deliver what they promise. As a result, they have created a sick landing page and Google Ads that convert leads.

    Andreas Svendsen

    Managing director @ Svendsen Science

    Curve helped me with advertising on social media, and I must say I'm satisfied with it. Their main areas were copywriting, positioning, and advertising strategy on the platform.

    Oscar Wiker

    Managing director @ Wiker ...

    What I truly appreciate in our collaboration is Sivert‘s willingness to explore and challenge possibilities together. He is very accessible, customer-oriented, and committed to the success of the projects we drive together. Highly recommended every day of the week!

    Tim Rudi Veiteberg

    General manager @ Tim Rudi

    Prompt with follow-up, good communication and a well delivered result. Were good at communicating what they planned to do and delivered according to the agreement!

    Bjarne Bendixen

    Commercial manager @ Konciv

Marketing on social media. No curve, no pay.

©2024 Curve.no AS - All rights reserved.

Marketing on social media. No curve, no pay.

©2024 Curve.no AS - All rights reserved.

Marketing on social media. No curve, no pay.

©2024 Curve.no AS - All rights reserved.